Home/Optional/Soia Italia
Soia Italia2019-08-09T09:08:30+02:00

Cortal for business

Soia Italia

Cortal is one of the founding partners of Soia Italia, a no profit association that promotes the development of sustainable NO GMO quality soybean cultivation
in Northern Italy.

100% Italian chain

Our soy
is guaranteed

For your feeds or foods, we can ensure soybeans cultivated in Italy, transformed and valued according to our production technologies.

Soia Italia

is sustainable quality

Soia Italia is the answer to the growing demand for plant proteins in Europe:
a high quality soy, with a controlled origin, NO GMO, according to sustainability principles.


Soia Italia promotes the colture and the culture cof Italian soybean


“Soia Italia” quality is a synonymous of control and safety


Soia Italia is a NO GMO soy to  for the consumer protection


Soia Italia is a local green and sustainable cultivation

Soia Italia

La Soia in cifre

La coltivazione di soia è una pratica agricola sempre più diffusa
in Europa e Italia a fronte di una domanda crescente di seme di qualità e controllato.

2,3 mln ton è la soia prodotta nell’UE nel 2016

In Italia viene prodotto il 47 % della produzione UE

320.000 sono gli ettari coltivati in tutta Italia
